Please input the protein sequence(s) in FASTA format:


Please input the variation site, such as R295C:





Input: 1. If you only want to annotation the palmitoylation sites in proteins, you can just paste single or

               multiple protein sequences at once in the first textbox and leave the second textbox empty,

               then press submit.

               Note: Input 10 proteins at most each time.


           2. If you want to know if a variation will cause loss or gain of palmitoyation sites, please input one

               protein sequence in the first textbox and input single or multiple variation information in the

               second textbox in a format like R295C.  Multiple variations are separated by comma.  One

               should note that each variation will be evaluated as single variation mutant, rather than

               multiple variations together in a mutant. If you want to evaluate the gain or loss of

               palmitoylation sites by a mutant with multiple variations together, please input the mutant

               sequence instead of the wild type sequence and then check the difference in the annotation

               results for bother wild type and mutant.

               Note: Input only one protein sequence and one or multiple variations each time.



Output: 1. Every cysteine in each protein will be predicted whether or not to be palmitoylated site.


              2. The loss or gain of palmitoylation sites caused by each of the variation will be presented at

                the end of results page if variations are input.


Cite SeqPalm:

        Shuyan Li, Jiazhong Li, Lulu Ning, Shaopeng Wang, Yuzhen Niu, Nengzhi Jin, Xiaojun Yao, Lili Xi. In silico identification of S-palmitoylation sites and their involvement in human inherited disease. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2015,55(9),2015-25   Link