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CTD Score

Unraveling the Enigma of COVID-19: Leveraging Machine Learning to Discriminate Traditional Chinese Medicine Dampness Syndrome Patterns

Single patient analysis

Please input the correponding data as below to run a single patient anlysis, then press the SUBMIT button. The result will be shown at the bottom of the page, as whether the patient has dampness syndrome and their risk score. The score is calculated as a probability, between 0 and 1.

Basic Information

Chinese medicine symptom

Blood Indicator

Syndrome Risk score

Multiple patients analysis

Multiple patients analysis Please strictly follow the csv format as the sample file, press the submit button, and the form will output whether the patient has dampness syndrome. (Enter the form without column name, only submit one form at a time)

CTD Score

(Feature order: Sex,Age,Blood type,Cough,Meancorpuscularvolume(fL),Anorexia)

CTD-simple Score

(Feature order: Sex,Age,Blood type)

Syndrome Risk score

Since the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in 2019, it has posed a severe threat to global health and the economy due to its high contagiousness and fatality. The ensuing sequela of COVID-19, such as long COVID and secondary infections, have attracted global attention, making early prevention and timely treatment crucial.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has a long usage history in preventing and treating epidemic diseases, including influenza viruses (H1N1, H5N1), rhinoviruses, and coronaviruses (nCoV). TCM has also demonstrated remarkable efficacy in preventing the progression of COVID-19 by treating pre-disease symptoms.

Although TCM does not have a specific term for COVID-19, it has been diagnosed as an epidemic disease characterized by hot/cold or dampness/non-dampness syndrome. Dampness syndrome is considered to be caused by external dampness attacking the body or disturbance of body fluid transportation, distribution, and excretion. Symptoms include fatigue, heaviness, muscle or body sores, and aches. Treating TCM dampness syndrome has been found to significantly reduce the recurrence rate of COVID-19 patients, indicating its vital role in predicting and treating COVID-19.

Up to now, timely risk prediction of TCM dampness syndrome in COVID-19 is still lacking. Therefore, artificial intelligence was leveraged here to construct an optimal model that predicts the risk of TCM dampness syndrome in COVID-19. The basic information, Chinese medicine symptoms and clinical indicators of patients such as blood tests were conbinded here in this work to create a predictive model. To facilitate clinical use and generalization, six key features, namely sex, blood type, age, cough, anorexia and mean corpuscular volume (MCV), were utilizedto build a risk score system for predicting dampness syndrome. This system allows patients to preliminarily predict dampness syndrome.